International Symposium for
Well-being and Agency

- Integration of Brain Science and Social Science -




 International Symposium for Well-being and Agency
- Integration of Brain Science and Social Science -

国際シンポジウム「福祉と主体性」ー 脳科学と社会科学の統合 ー

Hybrid Event / ハイブリッド開催
9/29(Fri.) - 9/30(Sat.) 2023
International Science Innovation Building,
Kyoto University


Details / 詳細はこちら
English / 英語
Free / 無料

※The fee for the reception is 5,000-10,000 yen.

Reception Details / 懇親会の詳細はこちら

7/3(Mon.) - 8/31(Thu.) 2023
Register your participation / 参加登録はこちら

Aim and Scope


The Moonshot Goal 9 project, “Maximizing well-being and agency on the basis of interpersonal comparison of brain indicators,” has been active since May 31st, 2022. The project aims to create interpersonally comparable brain indicators of well-being and agency by 2050. These indicators will be aggregated to evaluate and compare different policies in terms of people’s well-being and agency based on scientific evidence. To achieve this goal, the project will (1) identify well-being and agency from a variety of objective data, including potential ones, in the real world, (2) precisely decode their psychological aspects from brain activities of individuals in virtually real situations and aggregate them in scientifically justified ways, and (3) clarify the dynamic computational processes of the brain by simultaneously recording a large number of neurons, i.e., “integration of brain science and social science.” In order to share the starting point of this ambitious project with stakeholders interested in enhancing human well-being and agency, we are pleased to announce here that the “International Symposium for Well-being and Agency —Integration of Brain Science and Social Science—” will be held in Kyoto on September 29th and 30th this year. We hope that this symposium will be remembered as a landmark event in this new phase of science. We strongly encourage you to join us at this landmark event for the sake of human well-being and agency. Project Manager: Kenji Matsumoto (Tamagawa University Brain Science Institute)

ムーンショット目標9プロジェクト「脳指標の個人間比較に基づく福祉と主体性の最大化」は、「2050年までに人びとの“福祉”と“主体性”を個人間比較可能な脳指標を作成する」という目標を掲げ、2022年5月31日にスタートしました。これらの脳指標は、さまざまな政策を、それがもたらす人びとの“福祉”と“主体性”の観点から、科学的根拠に基づいて評価・比較することを可能にします。この目標を達成するために、当プロジェクトは、(1)現実世界におけるさまざまな客観的データ(潜在的な要因を含む)から“福祉”と“主体性”を特定、(2)その心理的側面を、仮想現実世界における個々人の脳活動から正確にデコードしたうえで科学的に正当な方法で集約、そして(3)その動的な脳内計算プロセスを、多数のニューロン活動を同時に大規模計測することによって明らかにします。こうして「脳科学と社会科学の統合」を実現するのです。このチャレンジングなプロジェクトの出発点を、人間の“福祉”と“主体性”向上に関心をお持ちの皆様と共有するため、国際シンポジウム「福祉と主体性」―脳科学と社会科学の統合―を2023年9月29日、30日の両日、京都にて開催することをここにお知らせ致します。このシンポジウムが、科学の新段階を示す画期的なイベントとして後世の記憶に刻まれることを願いつつ、人間の“福祉”と“主体性”のため、多くの皆様がこのシンポジウムにご参加頂けますよう強く呼びかけたいと思います。 プロジェクトマネージャー:松元健二(玉川大学脳科学研究所)

Invited Speakers




[Day1] September 29

12:45-13:15 Reception
13:15-13:25 Kenji Matsumoto Opening remarks
13:25-13:30 Seiji Kumagai Expectation to the project from MS9 program director
13:30-14:00 Yasuhiro Tanaka Multi-regional, multi-cellular approaches to reward-related representation in rodents
14:00-14:30 Naoshige Uchida Dopamine as multi-agent reinforcement learning in the brain
14:30-14:40 Break
14:40-15:10 Mineki Oguchi Investigating the dynamics of value representation in the macaque brain using genetic methods
15:10-15:40 William Stauffer How do we think about what we want?
15:40-16:10 Break
16:10-16:40 Hiroshi Yamada A neuronal prospect theory model in the fronto-striatal reward circuitry
16:40-17:10 Paul Glimcher Efficiently Irrational: Understanding Human Choice Behavior
17:10-17:20 Break
17:20-17:50 Agnieszka Tymula History-dependent risk attitudes and economic disadvantage
17:50-18:20 Ralph Adolphs Single-unit recordings from the human brain to study pleasure and aspiration

[Day2] September 30

9:30-10:00 Reception
10:00-10:30 Adina L. Roskies Agency as a framework for thinking about neuropsychiatric disorders
10:30-11:00 Reiko Gotoh Capability approach to freedom of mobility, and mind
11:00-11:30 Hiroki Takikawa Exploring multi-dimensional concept of well-being thorough geometry of culture approach
11:30-13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:00 Madoka Matsumoto Toward elucidating the neural dynamics of pleasure and aspiration
14:00-14:30 Yunzhe Liu Offline learning during rest/sleep
14:30-15:00 Break
15:00-15:30 Marc Erich Latoschik Virtually Us - Avatars and Determinants of a Metaverse(Online)
15:30-16:00 Tetsunari Inamura Merging Realities: Exploring Techniques to Enhance Well-being Across Virtual and Real Experiences
16:00-16:10 Break
16:10-16:40 Kaosu Matsumori A method for interpersonal comparisons of utility using neural data
16:40-17:10 Marc Fleurbaey Well-being measurement and fair interpersonal comparisons(Online)
17:10-17:20 Takashi Hanakawa
Sayaka Oki
Comments from External Reviewers
17:20-17:30 Kenji Matsumoto Closing remarks



Venue Image

International Science Innovation Building, Kyoto University

Kyoto University, Yoshida-Honmachi, Sakyo Ward, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture, 606-8317, Japan
〒606-8317 京都府京都市左京区吉田本町 京都大学

Google Map Access / アクセスはこちら Floor Map / フロアマップ


At the venue, those who have an eduroam account can connect to the wireless LAN.
Please contact the person in charge of this matter at your institution.




La Tour
レストラン ラ トゥール

Google Map

Date: 9/29(Fri.)19:00~21:00

Reception Fee:

Laboratory head: 10,000yen
Professional researcher: 7,000yen
Students: 5,000yen


研究室主宰 研究者:10,000円

Standing buffet style
With all-you-can-drink (bottled beer, red and white wine, oolong tea, and orange juice with a 2-hour free flow).


The reception offers an excellent opportunity for engaging discussions with the speaker. We sincerely look forward to your participation.




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Moonshot R&D Goal9

“Maximizing well-being and agency on the basis of interpersonal comparison of brain indicators”

(PM:Kenji Matsumoto) Well-being and Agency Moonshot Secretariat (within Tamagawa University Brain Science Institute)
〒194-8610 6-1-1 Tamagawa Gakuen, Machida, Tokyo, 194-8610
E-mail: ms9_matsumoto[at]

ムーンショット型研究開発事業 目標9


(PM: 松元健二)福祉と主体性ムーンショット事務局(玉川大学脳科学研究所内)
〒194-8610 東京都町田市玉川学園6-1-1
E-mail: ms9_matsumoto[at]